May 2016

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May 2016

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Cover Stories

By |May 13th, 2016|Categories: Summary|Tags: |0 Comments

May 2016

Perhaps my old age is starting to interfere with me, but I’m wondering what’s so special about the good ol’ days. Were video cassettes better than today’s streaming promos? Were sales trips more enjoyable with operator-assisted international sales calls? Yes, air travel was more civilized, but is that all?


By |May 8th, 2016|Categories: My2Cents|Tags: |1 Comment

Michael J. Solomon: A Master Salesman For Hollywood and a Marketing Genius

Michael Jay Solomon has been recognized as one of two fathers of the L.A. Screenings (the other is the late Jack Singer), among other pioneering distribution achievements.

His professional TV career (…)

By |May 8th, 2016|Categories: Hall Of Fame|Tags: |1 Comment

Anticipating The U.S. Nets’ New TV Programming Bets

One thing was clear from the recent Television Critics Association (TCA) Press Tour: the U.S. networks are constantly trying to come up with innovative strategies to capture eyeballs, and TCA (…)

By |May 8th, 2016|Categories: Cover Stories|Tags: |0 Comments

When FX Affects Bottom Lines, Effects Are Visible

The recent news that foreign currencies depressed Discovery International’s fourth quarter adjusted cash flow by 16 percent has brought currency exchanges back to the forefront of the international TV business.

Many (…)

By |May 8th, 2016|Categories: Cover Stories|Tags: |0 Comments

Latin And Turkish Telenovelas After Buyers’ Hearts, Minds (and Wallets)

Perhaps MIP-TV 2016 will be remembered as a market where exhibitors questioned journalists and not vice versa. “What do you think of this MIP?” was the question most often heard, even (…)

By |May 8th, 2016|Categories: Cover Stories|Tags: |0 Comments