Cover Stories | Water Cooler Blog | My2ç | Hall of Fame

Cover Stories

Sean Cohan’s Demanding
New Challenges Ring a Bell

In 2014, VideoAge spoke with Sean Cohan in New (...)

Losing Rights to GenAI-Produced
TV & Film Scripts

Last autumn, the world hailed the agreement between the (...)

The Changing Geography of
International TV Trade Shows

The geography of international TV trade shows is changing (...)

October 2024

A formula for all: Starbucks, cable TV network operators, and cable systems must learn to deal with a changed consumer environment. (…)

Audio Version (a DV Works service)

International TV History

History of the American Film Market

History of the L.A. Screenings

History of MIP-TV (Plus, MIP-TV 2003 under SARS, Iraq War, Industry consolidation and recession)

History of NATPE

History of MIFED (in Italian)

History of Prix Italia through the pages of VideoAge (PDF version)

L.A. Screenings Veteran
Luncheons Through The Years


Int’l TV Distribution
Hall of Fame Vol. 1

E-Book | Print

Int’l TV Distribution
Hall of Fame Vol. 2






MIPCOM: Hollywood in Cannes

October 21st, 2024|0 Comments

MIPCOM 2024 returned to the MIPCOM of yesteryear (2019, to be exact, before the pandemic), but now its official name is "MIPCOM Cannes." This move was perhaps meant to appease the city of Cannes, what with MIPTV relocating to London (...)

MIA Finding Its Int’l Role

October 16th, 2024|0 Comments

MIA, the Italian Audiovisual Market, is back in Rome for its 10th edition, which is being held October 14-18 at Palazzo Barberini, which houses Cinema Barberini. However, it has been reported that MIA organizers are looking at a new, more (...)

The Devolution from Tweeted to Xsed

October 14th, 2024|0 Comments

In 1961, people used to say, "Let's Twist Again." In 2006, they said, "Let's tweet again." And in 2022, people were supposed to start saying, "Let's X again." People "Google." They "Uber." And even though it has been 25 months (...)

Bert Cohen’s Worldvision: After Seven Owners, Its Success Became Its Downfall

In his business life, Bertram (later legally changed to Bert) (...)

John Laing: Crisscrossing The World With a RoboCop Promo Under His Arm

It was a big mistake to ask John Franklin Scott (...)

Joe Wallach: Political Intrigue Did Not Undermine His TV Challenges

When Joseph "Joe" Wallach was working at Brazil's Globo TV (...)