

September 2022

The entertainment industry is going through an unprecedented era of transition, with new-school executives who find hard to deal with the daily innovations. But exceptions are starting to emerge in the form of executives who are embracing the past.


By |September 2nd, 2022|Categories: My2Cents|Tags: |0 Comments

June 2022

Elevating digital technology to a philosophy is a stretch, but European intellectuals are eager to jump into it just to prove that they are intellectuals, after all.


By |June 16th, 2022|Categories: My2Cents|Tags: |0 Comments

May 2022

To make new U.S. broadcast TV series valuable to streaming services, it would be wise for the studios to fully license them internationally first, instead of immediately folding them into their international subscription services.


By |May 10th, 2022|Categories: My2Cents|Tags: |0 Comments

March-April 2022

Who would have thought that in 2022 the film-TV industry’s most frequently heard whine would be: “I wanna go to an in-person market?” Just three years ago the cry was: “Who needs so many markets?”


By |March 25th, 2022|Categories: My2Cents|Tags: |0 Comments

January 2022

Streamers could take advantage of studios’ experience, while studios try to replicate streamers’ experiences, but neglect their own.


By |January 9th, 2022|Categories: My2Cents|Tags: |0 Comments

December 2021

Let’s talk about the lives of retired film and TV executives who insist on living in the past, as well as the exciting existences of those who, while no longer on “active” duty, choose to live in the future.


By |November 28th, 2021|Categories: My2Cents|Tags: |3 Comments

November 2021

After dealing with the pandemic disaster that has plagued the world for more than 20 months, why is it that, this time around most of the international TV sector still can’t seem to fully return to business as usual?


By |November 5th, 2021|Categories: My2Cents|Tags: |0 Comments

October 2021

Our love of the industry is comparable to the high level of anxiety it generates. It’s entertainment, so we should probably be having fun. But in our case, having fun is a serious business.


By |September 29th, 2021|Categories: My2Cents|Tags: |0 Comments

August-September 2021

Condensing 41 years of international TV developments into just 41 VideoAge covers made me wonder if I had actually made a mistake and inverted the digits, so that instead of 41, just 14 years had passed.


By |August 18th, 2021|Categories: My2Cents|Tags: |0 Comments

May-June 2021

With regard to globalization, I’d argue that international TV content sales are a good thing, while international TV set sales are a bad thing. Television content is different from manufacturing. Even economists tend to agree on this matter.


By |May 22nd, 2021|Categories: My2Cents|Tags: |0 Comments