By VideoAge|2018-11-05T19:12:09+00:00November 4th, 2018|Categories: Summary|Tags: November 2018|1 Comment
Turkish Dramas To Circle The Globe On a New Channel
The Timeless Drama Channel (TDC) is a new venture from multinational group SPI International, which is headquartered in New York City, and operates a total of 16 offices around the (…)
By VideoAge|2018-11-08T18:55:34+00:00November 4th, 2018|Categories: Cover Stories|Tags: November 2018|0 Comments
African TV Market Shows Growth and Challenges
One of the cover stories in last month’s Issue of VideoAge covered MENA territories — the bread and butter of the upcoming DISCOP Africa event in Johannesburg, South Africa, which (…)
By VideoAge|2018-11-08T18:56:23+00:00November 4th, 2018|Categories: Cover Stories|Tags: November 2018|0 Comments
Friends and Enemies in the Ad Business Make for a Good Read
“Frenemy” is an American word originally minted in 1953, but which only recently entered the common vernacular, and indicates persons (or companies) that are friends and enemies at the same (…)
By VideoAge|2018-11-08T18:58:00+00:00November 4th, 2018|Categories: Cover Stories|Tags: November 2018|0 Comments
November 2018
First it was radio that was declared harmful to society (to children in particular). Then it was television that was blamed for mesmerizing kids (remember the term ‘idiot box’?).
By VideoAge|2018-11-05T20:30:03+00:00November 4th, 2018|Categories: My2Cents|Tags: November 2018|0 Comments