October 2015

/Tag:October 2015

Herb Lazarus: When Doing Business While Having Fun Was a Priority

Herbert “Herb” Lazarus has become the reason and example for why many TV executives no longer (voluntarily) retire. At 80 years old, with 60 years in the business, Lazarus is (…)

By |October 24th, 2015|Categories: Hall Of Fame|Tags: |1 Comment

The Holenders: A Tale of Two Generations

Irv Holender, a pioneer of international television distribution and current chairman of the Los Angeles-based Multicom Entertainment Group, used to bring his son Darrin along to business meetings around Hollywood (…)

By |October 21st, 2015|Categories: Hall Of Fame|Tags: |0 Comments

Bruce Gordon: Sales Gave The Savvy To Confront Murdoch and Packer

Bruce Gordon started his successful career in the international program distribution business in 1962, but to describe him, it is better to begin with the present. That said, this one (…)

By |September 23rd, 2015|Categories: Hall Of Fame|Tags: |2 Comments

In 1964, Max Gusberti’s Issues Were Residuals, Pricing RAI TV Programs

In the early 1960s, when Massimiliano (Max) Gusberti was hired by Italy’s state broadcaster, RAI, to run its nascent international program sales division, then called SACIS (which became RaiTrade and (…)

By |September 18th, 2015|Categories: Hall Of Fame|Tags: |0 Comments

October 2015

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Cover Stories

By |September 3rd, 2015|Categories: Summary|Tags: |0 Comments

October 2015

Suspense and surprise in movies and TV shows are now also controlled by MBAs, since it has been found that those two creative elements are a function of information economics and, therefore are, mathematical problems. (…)

By |September 2nd, 2015|Categories: My2Cents|Tags: |0 Comments

Cool Screenings, Hot Series, Warm Blankets

As usual, the major U.S. studios will be staging L.A. Screenings encores at MIPCOM, following their 10-day run in Los Angeles last May and their recently concluded on-the-road international screening (…)

By |September 2nd, 2015|Categories: Cover Stories|Tags: |0 Comments

The Future of Television Revealed In Ten Steps

The future is coming like a German Panzer, but for some strange reason, few seem ready for it or ready to evolve with it. Indeed, no one can prevent it, (…)

By |September 2nd, 2015|Categories: Cover Stories|Tags: |0 Comments

Turkey: Report From A Television Market That’s Cooking Up A Storm

Turkish Airlines now has chefs onboard and Turkish airwaves are basking in newfound ratings gold. While many international TV territories cry poverty, Turkey is showing its prosperity, and MIPCOM’s Country (…)

By |September 2nd, 2015|Categories: Cover Stories|Tags: |0 Comments