One Love (drama)
At university, the idealistic Doga falls hopelessly in love with the charming Fatih, a man from a devout family whose values clash with those of her mother. After Doga becomes pregnant, her life is turned upside down and her mother is upset when she refuses to have an abortion and instead marries Fatih. Her mother is convinced that religion will doom their marriage, but Doga and Fatih are determined for their love to triumph over this culture clash. Will they succeed?

Red Roses (drama)
Red Roses tells the poignant story of Meryem, married off at 14 in an Islamic sect, and now battling bravely to prevent her daughter Zeynep suffering the same cruel fate as the bride of the sheikh’s grandson.

Another Love (drama)
In this powerful story, anchorman Kenan and prosecutor Leyla both seek to uncover the truth about a mysterious serial killer, and are drawn into a passionate affair. While the duo fall in love, Leyla discovers dark secrets that link her father with Kenan and she is faced with a tough choice between justice and family.

Vendetta (drama)
Dilan and Baran are forced into marriage to end a blood feud, triggered by an attack on Baran’s parents. When Baran’s uncle schemes to gain access to the family fortune by pressuring Baran to take revenge, Baran realizes that the only way to prevent more violence is to marry his enemy’s daughter. Soon, he finds himself torn between his love for her and his hatred for her family.

Two Of Us (family singing show)
A parent and their child bid for stardom in a contest filled with enthusiasm, excitement, and love. With 10 families competing on each show and three voted off weekly, the combination of talented performers and deep personal ties is a recipe for powerful entertainment.

Forever Young (dating show)
Participants, all aged over 60, seek love through young avatars who resemble their youthful selves. The participants are represented by avatars and watch the speed dating on a monitor. This innovative format turns the idea of dating on its head, with young avatars giving voice to older singles’ young souls.

Real Love (reality dating show)
The format brings together 20 contestants seeking romance but burdened with a deep secret, leaving viewers to discover whether love survives or dies when the truth emerges. Diverse characters such as fraudsters, adulterers and bankrupts reveal their secrets over three days, with host celebrities keeping their eyes on their journey and guiding viewers to empathize with contestants easily. Ultimately, each must decide whether they can fall in love with their prospective partner once they find out the truth.

Fairmont Century Plaza, Suite 756

Contact: [email protected]
Tel: +90 (212) 241 26 93
Address: Abdi İpekçi Cad. Park 19-1 Kat:3 Nişantaşı – İstanbul / Türkiye