Peter Funt explores, in a Wall Street Journal article, Hollywood’s obsession with the F-word, which is used with casual frequency in many TV series.

Funt is a journalist, actor and producer. He’s also the son of Allen Funt, the originator of hit reality TV show Candid Camera, which was broadcast first on ABC in 1948, then on NBC and CBS in the 80s and 90s, continuing on syndication until 2014.

In the article, Funt quotes several experts who attribute the propensity toward the F-word to an “emotional relief gained from using profane speech,” adding that: “A culture of uncivil discourse is becoming more common…With privilege comes power and the ability to break rules.” He also quotes author Timothy Jay, who explains that cursing doesn’t correlate with lack of education, indeed, “People who have better vocabularies … are better at swearing,” he explains.

In a note to VideoAge, Funt commented, “Hollywood is a strange place, indeed.”

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