J2911 Media closed a content package deal with Tubi.

The U.S.-based AVoD service picked up a package of titles for its platform within the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Australia. Tubi offers a variety of popular genre titles, Hollywood classics, and family entertainment programming, with original content in Spanish as well.

The package includes Huevokids (Little Eggs), A Vista de Pajaros (Birdwatchers), Maria Perez Vs Los SuperheroesLas Aventuras del Tio (Uncle Rabbit Tales), Searching For A King (En Busca de un Rey), Following The Messiah (Siguiendo al Mesias), Canarias Submarinas (Submarine Canary), Naufragios (Shipwrecks), Searching For Beati Paoli (Buscando a Beati Paoli), and Aventura (Adventure).

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